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How to Submit Adoptions using Verba Collect

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Step 1: Log on to Verba Collect and select from your list of assigned “open” courses. If you do not see a particular course listed, you can search for the course and assign yourself as the instructor. We receive course information from the school regularly, but very recent changes may not always appear right away. If you do not see your course listed, or if another instructor is assigned to a course you are now teaching, please email us at course.adoptions@ubookstore.com to let us know.

Step 2: You will see a pane appear on the right side of the page. Select the sections for which you want to submit adoptions, and click NEXT. Note that by selecting multiple sections, you'll be submitting the same adoptions for each selected section. If you want to submit different textbooks for each section, only select one for now. You'll be able to submit for the others after finishing the first.

Step 3: After selecting the course you want to work on, choose from three options

  • Yes, I need to add books, OER materials, or supplies.
  • No, I do not need to add books, OER materials, or supplies.
  • No, this section isn’t offered

If you select “No, I do not need to add books, OER materials, or supplies”, you can add a note to the bookstore in the Leave a Note box before submitting your adoption. If you will be posting materials to Canvas, or providing students with materials, please indicate that here. Note that by selecting this option, and if you are not providing materials to students in some other way, you are indicating that there is no cost associated with your section.

Adding Previously Adopted Materials

To add previously adopted materials you can do so on the COPY ANOTHER ADOPTION tab. If the course has been taught before, books from the most recent past term will be displayed. You can also select another term, course, or section by using the dropdowns and clicking APPLY. As you're browsing terms, courses, and sections, you can decide whether you want to limit results to just your courses or view other section adoptions with the MY SECTIONS ONLY FILTER. Clicking on ALL SECTIONS and then APPLY will allow you to view other section adoptions.

Each title is displayed on its own “card” containing relevant details about that book. Soon, you will be able to notify us that you want to participate in our Day One Access program, right through Collect. When this option is enabled, you will also be able to see digital availability and Day One Access pricing, and indicate your interest in the program. We hope to have this active by Fall 2024.

Quick Add To List

If you want to add the displayed item to your list, click the QUICK ADD TO LIST button next to individual items, s, finalize your item requirements and answer a few questions, then click APPLY.

You can also click VIEW DETAILS about a given item, which will provide additional information about a title, including general print affordability, and information about newer and/or more affordable editions. If alternative editions are available and you wish to add one of those instead, simply click QUICK ADD TO LIST and proceed as before. Please note that we cannot guarantee availability of older editions. If you select an old edition of a title for your course, we will notify you if we cannot source enough copies.

Once you add an item, the selected materials dropdown appears automatically, letting you know the item was added successfully. Repeat this process for any other books you wish to add from the PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED TEXT AND MATERIALS screen.

Please note, if you wish to remove items added to your current adoption, simply click the REMOVE button from the dropdown.

Once your selected materials list is complete, click REVIEW & SUBMIT from the dropdown on the top right.

Adding New Materials

To add new materials that you have not adopted before, click on ADD NEW MATERIALS.

Then, search for the ISBN, author and/or title and choose from the results that appear below. Adding new materials this way follows the same instructions as shown previously under the “Adding Previously Adopted Materials” section above.

NOTE: Verba Collect uses Bowker Books in Print©, a bibliographic database, to populate item information. It is not 100% accurate, nor does it contain information for every book, so please be sure to check that you are selecting the correct item before proceeding. If you cannot find the book you need, edit your search criteria or click on ADD MANUALLY. Then, click ADD BOOK and enter in all details about your title.

Coursepacks & Books

To inform the bookstore that you'll be using a course pack, click the ADD COURSEPACK button and fill in the proposed title of the course pack then click ADD COURSEPACK. Please note that filling in this information does not create a course pack order, and you will still need to work with the campus copy center to create your course pack each term.

Finally, to add general supplies and/or OER items, click on the ADD SUPPLY or ADD OER MATERIAL button(s). At a minimum, we need a description of the supply/OER item, but the more information you give, the better. When you have finished describing your item, click ADD.

After adding all your desired materials, hover over REVIEW AND SUBMIT in the top right corner, and then again in the dropdown to complete the last step of the adoption process.

Finalize And Submit Your Adoption

Before submitting your adoption, you will need to tell the bookstore a few key pieces of information. First, if the enrollment size is not already populated, enter in your estimated enrollment. Next, you can enter any special notes, questions, or information you wish to communicate to the bookstore. For example, if you are using multiple titles, the order you would like to use them. This step is optional.

After all course material information has been entered into the adoption, click SUBMIT ADOPTIONS. The course will then move to the completed courses list.